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David Jobson - Website Administration 

Please contact David if you want the website to publish updates for your news and views, including image submissions from GAS members or elsewhere to our website Gallery and with any website related queries. Email him by clicking here

Please be sure you follow the guidelines given below if you are forwarding digital images to either David or Annmarie Shenton.

Submit An Image Of Your Work

Remember to photograph your work in good daylight and unframed with an image of above 2MB in content. Photographing framed works sometimes does not give good results because the glass reflects shadows and can change colours.  A good mobile phone will do it but be sure you genuinely focussed properly on your creation.  A professional may take an image through a frame and glass but it may cost you. The image should look good when enlarged on a full computer screen. Test this on your own PC.   

To submit an image for the general Galleries then send by email your name, email, telephone number, title of the work, sizes in HxW in cms, framed or not, media type and price if for sale plus attaching a good digital photograph of your work (2MB+).  To help you do this you may like to download and fill in the digital image submission form (click on this link) and send it with your digital images of your work to David Jobson by clicking here or Annmarie Shenton, our Social Media Secretary by clicking here.

If you are to be the Artist of the Month then send your six images with the digital image submission form to Annmarie Shenton, our Social Media Secretary by clicking here and by using the guidelines above.

You can also submit a single picture to be shown under the "Our Artists" page, a sub page under the Membership page.  Use guidelines in paragraph two above and send the image to Annmarie Shenton by clicking here

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