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This page has useful information and links to art related learning, ideas and activities.  It includes a FLYERS tab that shows interesting events that our members will be hosting in the near future.


Guildford Art Society MEMBERS Facebook page: (GAS members only)

If are a member of Guildford Art Society please join.  This is where you will find important information regarding the society and also see what other members are doing.  We have 206 members in the society and 130 have joined the Facebook Group. You can also yourself submit photos of your own work here.

Guildford Art Society PUBLIC Facebook page: Youtube tutorial

This is where we share information to the public about our society, NOT where we interact with each other.  We interact in the Facebook Group mentioned above.  Please comment, like and share anything you find interesting to your personal or art page.


Guildford Art Society Instagram: Youtube tutorial

If you have an Instagram account could you please use #guildfordartsociety in all you art related posts.  

Follow everyone the Guildford Art Society follows because we follow all members. Comment or like the art society posts.  If you are not followed by us let us know.

Guildford Art Society Twitter:

Youtube Tutorial

If you have a Twitter account could you please use #guildfordartsociety in all you art related tweets.  If you are a member and are not followed by us let us know.


How Virtual Demos Work (Members only)

We schedule a virtual demo at a specific date & time (Saturday afternoons). 

We email you a link to a website & a passcode so you can access the virtual demo at the time of the session.  Most artists use Zoom which works on PC, Mac, iPad , iPhones & other smart phones. Others use Youtube or Facebook. 

Once you are on the virtual demo the artists can be seen and heard and you have the ability to ask them questions, as you would in a normal demo.  Sometimes the artist may accept questions only through a Chat textbook with an assistant passing over the questions. 

Look at the Programme page on this website to see what has been arranged.  


This website page shows events organised by Guildford Art Society members either on their own, with other members or artistic associates. The flyers or posters are put together by their organisers and generally not edited by our webmaster who publishes them and removes them when out of date.  The purpose of this page is to give such events publicity through the Guildford Art Society website and help members promote themselves.    

If you have a flyer you want published then click here send it to our webmaster preferably in jpeg or png format. Make sure it is legible and readable at A5 size.  Try it on your own smart phone to check it out.  

Look at the FLYERS page to see what events our members are involved in and promoting.



If you are a Member and would like to show your artwork on this website then you should follow these instructions. Do not miss any information because it is used to reference your work and to identify creators to website viewers. The more artworks we can show on-line, then the better.  


You need to submit your name, title of the work, sizes in height and width in cms, media used, price if for sale, your email address, your website address if you have one.  Send this information with an electronic digital photograph of your work, preferably in JPEG format, unframed and photographed in good natural light to our Web administration by email.  These formats mean we do not have to go through technical processes to convert from other types before publication. 

Unframed work usually photographs better because there are no reflections upon the glass to distort the image.  If you can, just try out the digital image upon your own computer screen to see how it looks.  If you do not like it, then take another photograph. 

Use this email link to submit your work: send image.

When you wish to have your artwork removed from the on-line gallery then email again to ask for their withdrawal. You own the copyright to your own work. 

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