November Pipeline 2021
Dear Member, Welcome to our November issue of GAS Pipeline Pipeline will keep you up to date on happenings in Guildford Art Society and what your Committee are doing on your behalf - and provide fun activities and challenges from time to time.
Our Demonstration Programme Arranged by Sally Perrella Our 2021 Programme continues with an online demo on 13th November - Pascal Bigot - Figurative Work - Mixed Media/Pebeo. Log-on details will come from Sally or Jean. Then on 11th December - our Christmas Social - join us for mulled wine, mince pies and (hopefully) carols around the piano at St Catherine's Village Hall. We hope to have a viewing of the entries (or as many as we can muster) to our November Challenge - because, very conveniently the theme is - Christmas (see below). Details later on fun prizes, festive outfits (if you're in the mood!), and more. Our 2022 programme is still being confirmed, and we'd like St Catherine's to be the venue for our Demos but it's possible that some of the demos may need to be online. If any of our demos are indeed to be online the artists will broadcast in their chosen format, and Sally or Jean will email joining details. Demos will start at 2.30 and finish at around 4.30, and we may be able to provide a recording of some of them after the demo.
Our Exhibitions Programme

Arranged by Ingrid Skoglund Our programme started with a one-day Pop-up at the Holy Trinity Church in Guildford on 23rd of October, and what a joy to be exhibiting again!. We had very good artwork on show, a steady flow of visitors, especially in the final hour - and sales of over £1,000. Pretty good considering the strange times we're passing through - and we were able to donate around £150 to the Church - many thanks to all who pitched in to help. - Our Autumn Exhibition at West Horsley Place, 6th-14th November - details have already been sent out and applications are in hand - A Craft Fair at West Horsley Place, 26th-28th November - details also already sent out - applications please by 16th November Reference the Christmas Pop-up planned for 4th December at the Holy Trinity - the Committee have reluctantly DEFERRED the event because it was too close to our other exhibitions, and an important second factor was that another event was to take place immediately after us that day which would have meant we'd have had to close fairly early. And as the final hour on 23rd of October was so busy I'm sure you'll agree, we need to be fully operational when the punters are eager to splash the cash! The Pop-up will however still take place - in the Spring - and we'd appreciate volunteers stepping forward to help with the organisation - it's not difficult - it's well supported - and it's quite a fun thing to do. More details later.
Artist of the Month We don't have an Artist of the Month for October or November, as our hard-working team (and Committee) are concentrating their formidable energies on our Exhibition Programme - but fear not - Artist of the Month will be back in December. In the meantime, just a suggestion - why not do a spot of painting? That's what I would do if I wasn't writing this Pipeline - oops, shouldn't have said that. Anyway, think about some painting - December AotM could be YOU!
Members Exhibiting This Month The GAS Committee Exhibition at Guildford Cathedral continues until 8th November. We'd be delighted to welcome new volunteers interested in joining the Committee - who would of course become eligible for future Committee Exhibitions. In any event, please do visit this beautiful Cathedral and see our work.
GAS Monthly Challenge -
Our Challenge for October was ..... Majesty, and you submitted 12 excellent entries - it's quality that counts remember, not quantity.
As before, the entries were anonymised and put on Instagram by Ingrid, and the ten entries with the most Instagram 'likes' were then submitted (still anonymised) to our ten-member art panel (think Supreme Court, only supremer), which includes our Chairman Sinclair and our President Jane Allison - many thanks to all, as always.
We had a very clear winner, which seven of the ten panellists had in first place - this wonderful painting by Anne Zoutsos
In second place was this humble painting by, er, me. I know, I know.
All 12 entries can be seen on the GAS Instagram account, the top ten paintings will appear on the GAS website very soon, and the winner will receive a voucher prize. The Challenge for November is ....... CHRISTMAS! Now where did Sinclair dream that one up from? Could be Father Christmas, could be a Christmas Tree, could be a family scene, could be a snowy scene, could be .......... oh, come on - do I have to do all the work? Stretch the theme a
s far as you like - in any medium or visual art form. If you'd like to enter just email your image (.jpeg or .jpg file) to Cecilia, at - by the 20th of November, and please make sure you give her your full name in your email. And as always - - Just one entry per person - A .jpeg or .jpg file - not a link to your website - If you ask your friends to look at your entry ask them to put a like against ALL the entries they like
- Be aware of Copyright. For info just click on the Gallery tab on the GAS website and you'll find guidance and useful links. Please don't therefore enter a work which is a close copy of another artist's work - even if you did it yourself. And Finally - From You To Us! If you'd like to make a comment or suggestion please send us an email - we'd be glad to hear from you! Take Care - and See You Next Month! David Sprot and Cecilia Barandiaran-Sprot - Pipeline Editors